Can it really already be over three weeks since the "Big Walk" ? The days leading up to the event certainly flashed by and with a busy time at work, three "sell out" shows for my drama group, family and friends time and general day-to-day stuff and things, I've not updated the blog since. The headline info is that although I was mentally ready, physically prepared and generally all for the 100ks, my dodgy Old Mans knee decided to do me a bad one. I felt a bit of a twinge at the 25ks check point but carried on (of course I did... it was only 1/4 way) By the time I got to the 40ks checkpoint it was kinda ouchy and on the advice of the medics (who were brilliant by the way) I "retired" at more or less the half way point. The culprit was a "partial tear to my meniscus" and although it apparently a fairly common walker/runner injury, there was the possibility that it could have got far, far worse and even stuck me on crutches and even an operation, so, deflated and somewhat depressed my walk was done - much earlier that I had expected or wanted. Having said all that, I did walk further that I had ever before, I walked for many hours longer than I ever had before and raised over £1K for Macmillan Cancer Support which ultimately was the point of the whole thing (as well as getting my lardy arse off my Dad Chair and out and about doing something physical!) Although it felt a bit of a "con" at the time, I had done more than enough to qualify for the "Half Challenge" medal and tee shirt (which 3 weeks later, I'm extremely proud of) I want to take this opportunity to thank every singe person for every single £1, $1, €1 donated, every single message, every single p!ss taking meme, every single demand for more pictures of lycra and hats and generally your love, affection and support before, during and after. People are already asking me what my next "thing" will be and although I don't have a fixed idea in mind necessarily, there are a few options out there for 2023.
Watch this space and once again, big love to you all, I know the people that Macmillan help will be appreciative of each and every one of you xx Here's a photo dump of many a various places and things along the way - including the saddest picture of the Magic Medic Man in action, taping up my poorly ouchy knee which marked the end of the adventure :(
