People have been asking "what's next?" so whilst I have a think about something exciting/interesting/really painful/different, here is a quick interim event. I'm going to walk 100 miles during October in aid of Cancer Research UK.
I'm fortunate that my brush with the "C" in 2020 was quickly sorted and just in the last few days I've been checked over (google cystoscopy- ouchie!) and I was given a 12 month+ "sign off"
Many people receive equally amazing news every day due in no small part to charities like Cancer Research UK - many others receive the worst possible news and this is where your donations really can change lives. With work, family, life and general hubbub commitments in place this may not be as straight forward as it seems ! But fear not Chubby fans - there will be hats, and video clips and noise and general silliness as we go along. The Facebook fundraiser page is here: there's also one here for non-'bookers
As always every penny is gratefully received. xx
